If you’re drawn to this picture then right now you may be feeling lost and perhaps discontent. Remember to think about what you already have in your life rather than what you want. Spirit will always make sure you have what you need, not what you want. Perhaps this is something you’re worrying about, it could be material areas such as finances, work, property or family. You will soon feel the cloud that’s been around you start to change and lift, but remember your mindset is important. This brings a lot of healing to yourself and those around you (you may have prayed for help or healing), here is acknowledgement that your prayers are and will be answered.
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If you’re drawn to this picture then spirit are helping you to communicate calmly, openly and honestly in situations. Spirit show me you’re a deep person, you keep things very close to your chest. You’re very private but have become this way through experiences. Remember not to paint your future from thoughts about your past. What has happened, has happened and should now be left in the past. You may also be feeling like change is on the horizon, there is no need for you to hesitate, and just go with your feelings. Spirit are guiding you to take a leap of faith, this could be in love, work, career, study, etc. Remember, you only have so much time and you don’t want to waste it on something that makes you unhappy or perhaps miss an opportunity.
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If you’re drawn to this picture then it’s been or is currently an emotional time for you. Don’t feel bad or ashamed to cry. There is nothing wrong with crying and it’s not a sign of weakness. You have ‘bottled’ everything up for so long and at some point it has to leave you. The negative emotions will only affect you in other ways if you keep them to yourself, ie health, mood, other relationships, work & career, etc. Spirit guide you to focus on only positive things and positive people. It’s important to let go of the hurt and the pain, and if that means a lot of tears, then don’t feel bad about it. Spirit are guiding you to let go of the hurt and don’t keep reliving it now. You are coming into a positive time in your life in all areas, in love, work, life path and purpose. Believing in yourself is a good start to happiness and success.
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All my love,
Chris x
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