Hey, thanks for checking out my website! I hope you enjoy your free reading below, these messages are given to me by Spirit directly. If you’re looking for an in-depth or personal reading then you can connect by text, phone & email.
If you’ve chosen number 1 then this shows you’re a very straightforward, honest person. You have come to a time in your life where you’re fed up, perhaps of drama and issues with people? You need to make some changes with regards to who you spend your time with, perhaps friendship groups. It’s important that you’re feeling empowered by those around you and not drained. Who is having a negative effect on how you’re feeling now? Only you know yourself. For the near future, you are going to be considering making a drastic change in your life. This will open doors for you to new beginnings, this could be in love, family, home or work. You need to think things through without being impulsive.
If you’d like an in depth reading then you can send me a text message if you’d like to ask me a question or you’d like a personal reading.
Text RILEY to 88998 from the UK. Replies cost £1/max 3 replies (£3) 18+ SP Inveroak Helpdesk: 02071116210
If you’ve chosen number 2 then you may be feeling slightly down or depressed at the moment. You need to be reminded of how far you have come. You are a strong person and you don’t rely on anyone. You need to remember that – no one knows how you feel unless you tell them. What is it that you are keeping to yourself right now? Remember that this can also lead to communication problems when it comes to relationships, friendships and even family connections. It is best for you to be open and honest right now. You will feel a whole lot better for it and others will feel better, too.
If you’d like an in depth reading then you can send me a text message if you’d like to ask me a question or you’d like a personal reading.
Text RILEY to 88998 from the UK. Replies cost £1/max 3 replies (£3) 18+ SP Inveroak Helpdesk: 02071116210
If you’ve chosen number 3 then you’re definitely someone who is intuitive, sensitive and you keep things to yourself. You have been born with an intuition. That little voice within you that tells you things, and maybe right now it’s trying to do so. You are needing to listen to your intuition to help you be guided through a situation right now. This is a situation that is quite close to home, where you may be feeling as though you can’t see the wood for the trees. The answers will come to you in the coming weeks. You will make the decisions that you may be finding hard to make. This also shows that you’re a hardworking person and that you’re ready for a challenge. You are being encouraged to believe in yourself a little more and have confidence in the choices that you make. You are also to see changes in work areas, and maybe a promotion – but for this to happen you need to go – get it!
If you’d like an in depth reading then you can send me a text message if you’d like to ask me a question or you’d like a personal reading.
Text RILEY to 88998 from the UK. Replies cost £1/max 3 replies (£3) 18+ SP Inveroak Helpdesk: 02071116210
If you’ve chosen number 4 then you may feel as though you’re slightly different from the rest. You may have felt this way through childhood, teenage years or even adulthood. Remember, what is on the inside is what counts. It is not all about looks, money or what someone has. If you have a good heart then that is all you need and that is all that matters, right? This is a call from spirit for you to stop being so hard on yourself. How do you expect to feel if you are so hard on yourself and negative? May you be considering a change of property or the area you live in? This is bringing a change in your life that will bring new energy around you. If you’ve considered a house move then this is the right thing for you to do!
Don’t forget to leave me some feedback and let me know how you found it!
You can send me a text message if you’d like to ask me a question or you’d like a personal reading.
Text RILEY to 88998 from the UK. For Phone Readings call us right now on 0330 201 9605
SMS Replies cost £1 max 3 replies. Msgs also answered by my psychic team. We cannot discuss health, pregnancy, financial or legal matters. SP: Inveroak. Helpdesk: 0207 111 6210.
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