1. The Elephant guides you to take care of yourself. You may have been or could be feeling emotional, it’s time to let go of pain and hurt from the past. Holding on to it will only upset you and not them. Spirit are guiding you to take good care of yourself, put yourself first and try and learn to say ‘No’. Instead of taking everything and anything on and then finding everything is too much. It’s also time to be paying attention to your body, ie. aches, pains or tiredness and resting from this, rather than over exhausting yourself. Also, Spirits message here for you is: You cannot change people or choices others make, what you can change is how you react and respond to them.

You can send me a text message if you’d like to ask me a question or you’d like a personal reading. Text RILEY to 88998 from the UK. For Phone Readings call us right now on 0330 201 9605. SMS Replies cost £1 max 3 replies. Msgs also answered by my psychic team. We cannot discuss health, pregnancy, financial or legal matters. SP: Inveroak. Helpdesk: 0207 111 6210.

2. The heart guides you to let go of the past, take time to heal before moving into anything new in your life, not only in love, this could even be friendships, work situations or career. It’s time to forgive what has happened and remember that how people treat us is normally a reflection of how they see themselves. Getting yourself caught up in trying to understand the why’s and why not’s will only lead to sadness for you. Remember to bring new and good things into your life your mindset needs to be positive, focus on low of attraction. It’s vital for you to practice positive thinking at this time. This also brings a message of growth in love, ie. new commitments in a relationship, someone new in your life, etc. It’s time to trust what comes to you and open to the new beginnings in your life.

You can send me a text message if you’d like to ask me a question or you’d like a personal reading. Text RILEY to 88998 from the UK. For Phone Readings call us right now on 0330 201 9605. SMS Replies cost £1 max 3 replies. Msgs also answered by my psychic team. We cannot discuss health, pregnancy, financial or legal matters. SP: Inveroak. Helpdesk: 0207 111 6210.

3. The feather guides you to listening to your intuition at this time. If something doesn’t ‘feel right’ to you then it most likely isn’t. You have a natural intuition that you are born with and you need to listen to your thoughts and feelings at this time. Spirit are guiding you to let go of something in your life, something that you seem to be holding on to. The thought of letting go may not be easy, may feel upsetting, painful or negative, however sometimes letting go of something and closing a door allows another door to open – leading us on to much more positive and happier things.

You can send me a text message if you’d like to ask me a question or you’d like a personal reading. Text RILEY to 88998 from the UK. For Phone Readings call us right now on 0330 201 9605. SMS Replies cost £1 max 3 replies. Msgs also answered by my psychic team. We cannot discuss health, pregnancy, financial or legal matters. SP: Inveroak. Helpdesk: 0207 111 6210.

Don’t forget to leave me some feedback and let me know how you found it!

You can send me a text message if you’d like to ask me a question or you’d like a personal reading.

Text RILEY to 88998 from the UK. For Phone Readings call us right now on 0330 201 9605

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SMS Replies cost £1 max 3 replies. Msgs also answered by my psychic team. We cannot discuss health, pregnancy, financial or legal matters. SP: Inveroak. Helpdesk: 0207 111 6210.





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